
Saturday, March 19, 2005

this was yanked from my LJ because i'm tired.

alright so april is still in the hosptial and the words are getting technical. this is what i know. they have not done an amnio-whatsit yet. the baby's heart is doing something where it drops in BPM to about the same rate as an adult BPM and then speeds up really fast to compensate. this can happen when april has contractions. and april is having those mini-pre-labour contractions. which means the baby couldn't handle labour. the doctors want to wait until the baby will go 24 hours without doing that again. then they'll make some decisions. doctors are oh so non-commital about anything so april really doesn't know what their plan is. but she thinks it might be a C-section. and so...the poor thing is still stuck in a hopsital. going on day 4 now. and charlie my super-sensitive, massively-geeky brother is about at the end of his rope. poor guy. does not cope well with stress. when i called last night he was eating hospital french fries and about the only thing i could get him to say was, 'yeah, well, uh-huh' he needs more sleep.and that's my update.

end theft from LJ.

so now i am officially beginning to worry. the doctors are being all evil and cryptic. april has never been in the hospital before. she had no idea that you have to treat them like they have brain damage. doctors are great and nessesary...i know. they are also busy and there are lots of people and they want to make rounds and have a cup of any normal person probably would. but this means you have to pratically hold them by the wrist to keep them from leaving and ask them pointed yes/no questions. otherwise you get, "you have symptom X we'll keep an eye on that and see what happens" and nothing else. not why you have symptom X, what are the options for getting rid of symptom X, how you should expect to feel now that you have symptom X just a short blip which translates to "it's 6 30 in the morning i need coffee"

anyway. bitch, rant, worry, bitch, rant, worry...


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