
Monday, June 20, 2005

nectar of the gods

well it's about two days before lisa shows up. which means the countdown of time to work on this paper is officially on. i'm trying to get as much research as done before she gets here so i can relax and have fun while she's here. but shit you should see the pile of books i have.

i need to make a pilgrimage to hunt's grave. it's somewhere in london. i have spent so much time researching this chap. i know more about him than many of my family members. though i still maintain that he looks like he could be my mother's brother. that's it...i'm distantly related...and i somehow know this and this, this, is why i'm putting myself through this ordeal. to try to get back to my roots. yes! no...

oh well. when my parents came to visit last month they brought me some flavoured coffee. and despite my vow to only buy fairtrade coffee...i didn't buy this it was a gift... and... this is pecan torte flavoured... and it smells like pancakes with syrup... and it's the one thing keeping me going... sweet nectar of the gods...

onto the next book. "Relgion and Society in England 1790-1850" by... who cares... it's old and a tad out of date but i have to give it a nod. farewell cruel world...



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