
Thursday, June 02, 2005


god, is there no end to this? there is way too much scholarship on methodism. i'll never read it all. i wanted to get all my research done by the 23rd of june. there is no way. i am afraid i will not finish this paper before i leave to go home. there is just too much going on and not enough time. i'm going to have to start investing in more coffee.

i'm off to the library in an hour or so to get MORE books and bury myself with them. this paper really excites me. for the first time at the presentation of topics meeting my profs were tearing down the rest of my classmates but telling me this was original and an area that should be explored. i was shocked. in a class full of brits i'm usually the one that sticks out as the odd one who has no idea what's going on. but...for once...and i still feel like i have a chance with this one. if only i had more time before people started showing up. i think i can do this. i've got about 20 days.

now i'm just babeling. must eat lunch.


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