
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

there are two vege spring rolls waiting for the oven to heat and after 20 min they are then waiting for immediate consumption.

i don't need to tell you that i feel completely overcome with my research responsibilites right now. because that's all i've been talking about lately. i thought taking off in the middle of it to go to scotland was going to majorly stress me out (and it is) but i'm really looking forward to it. because i am completely wearing myself out here. i guess going to scotland is the reason i've been working so hard to begin with. and i'm probably further along than i think..but maybe not. thta's what wakes me up in the middle of the night. or more appropriately makes it impossible for me to get to sleep on some nights.

well i'm done with the first of the hempton books. he's one of THE scholars right now on methodism. and i think he's a self-important bore...not to mention he thinks it's his job to fix change all the negative stereotypes about methodism...which by the way...some of them are true... or were true. methodism current isn't a damn thing like it used to be. wesley wouldn't even recognize it. it's too touchy-feely. wesley was a hard-ass. like kids weren't allowed to play games at his schools. but they could chop wood and things like that. blah.

anyway. that is not what i want to talk about. this is funny though. got this out of T. E. Hulme's book Specultaions : ‘You don’t believe in a God, so you begin to believe that man is a god. You don’t believe in Heaven so you begin to believe in a heaven on earth. In other words, you get romanticism. The concepts that are right and proper in their own sphere are spread over, and so mess up, falsify and blur the clear outlines of human experience. It is like pouring a pot of treacle over the dinner table. Romanticism then, and this is the best definition I can give of it, is spilt religion’ (Hulme 118).

i laughed so hard...ah yes...that probably should have been a key that i needed to go take a walk.

whatever. oooo! the oven is warm...



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