
Friday, July 22, 2005

book list

i now have 2,400 words. not bad. not enough...but not bad.

i've been making a list of books i want. because i always find and forget books i want to read.

i consists of books by annie dilliard, books about nuns, history of religion, geisha, japanese cook books, and then a hell of a lot of books on genocide. an odd list i know. but if i get accepted to one of these holocaust and genocide degree programs i'm going to need to prepare before showing up. looking at these books online is really wierd. i end up feeling so torn about human nature. but i don't ask myself why i am doing this. that i know. i feel the only way to prevent these things from continuing to happen is for some people to get educated and then teach others. so...i guess i fancy myself in the first group. here's to me not cracking up half way through the course. well...i need to get accepted first so there's no point at getting a head of myself at this point. i may be working at sears while jesse gets his degree for all i know. i only applied to three schools. all i can do is hope. i've been watching my bank account and i know all three schools have gotten my application materials because they have all cashed the checks. so here's to waiting!

other than that i have a dentist appointment on monday. and i don't like dentists. nor what going to one will do to my bank account. the waiting list for NHS dentists is in some cases extending into after we'll leave the country. and my tooth hurts damnit...and if i wait that long i'll probably need a root canal. so...

the weather is beautiful here. just gorgeous. sun and everything. it reminds me of november in florida. which i think may be my favorite time of year. and despite the knowledge that florida is sticky hot and plagued with bugs and hurricanes i'm ready to go home.



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