
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

almost there husband is snoozing away and i am tired of cleaning and trying to get all this stuff done. i walked down to the post office to send off the last three boxes to the states. i was wearing a backpack, wheeling a backpack, carrying a box and had on my purse. normally i would care that people were staring at me...but not today. i swear i only grow a spine when i have important things to do. otherwise, that'll be me under that rock over there. well not really.

going to go feed the cemetery squirrels again today, for the last time. *weep* i love those little guys. and then back to cleaning and what not and then maybe out with ezra and the lovely ellie. if we can get a hold of them and the house looks like somthing that can be finished in a day. because that is all we will have tomorrow. whee!

of course that means there is a plane in my immediate future, but i'm not going to think about that. i don't have time to think about that. and if i do at all i'll just think about what random things i'll be able to pick up in the amsterdam airport. what are you supposed to bring home from amsterdam? van gogh? porn? oh well.



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